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Tag Archives: Guns

rifescope guide

Riflescopes and the .338 Lapua Magnum – An OC Guide

The use of the .338 Lapua magnum by coalition snipers during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq changed the battle-scape dynamics as enemy forces were forced to reconsider using their extemporized battlewagons that were fitted with improvised laminated steel armor plates. This was because this

Best drag bags

Top 5 Best Drag Bags and Gun Cases [2022 REVIEW]

What are the best drag bags or gun cases on the market in 2022? That’s exactly what we will look into today. With a selection to cover all needs and budgets, we have chosen 5 top-rated products to give you the most in-depth review possible.

best hunting blind

Top 5 Best Ground Blinds for Hunting [2021 Reviews]

What is the best ground blind on the market in 2021? That’s exactly what we will aim to answer today. We have selected 5 hunting blinds covering a range of sizes, build material, and price points. Whether you hunt alone, or with more than one

best tree stands

Top 5 Best Tree Stands For Hunting [2021 Review]

A strong and reliable tree stand is an excellent hunting accessory that at some point you will want to add to your gear list. However, with a wide range of stands available, it can be difficult to know which one to buy. In this review

Hunting blind guide

A short Guide to the Hunting Blind

Today we are going to take a good look at the hunting blind. The types of hunting blinds available and how they differ, the pros and cons, and other helpful details. Hunting Blind For recreational hunters, concealment can be achieved by using a purposed cover