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Category Archives: Top Tips

sewer inspection through plumbing pipes

A Sewer Inspection Camera Buyer’s Guide

We recently took an in-depth look at the sewer inspection camera; the different types of inspection and where and when the professional might need one. However, if you are in the market for buying one, (and none of the top 5 we recently reviewed tickled

fuel transfer pump being used

A Beginner’s Guide to the Fuel Transfer Pump

What is exactly is a furl transfer pump and why would you need one? That’s what we will look into today. And while our recent fuel transfer pump review round up covered some of these details, our aim there was to give you the complete

Top 5 Winter Driving Safety Tips

Fall will soon make way for winter. And with that comes the need to prepare ourselves for the colder months. For many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, you can also look forward to the onset of the white stuff. Snow, sleet, and freezing rain bring

How to Buy Your First Motorboat – 5 Essential Steps

Buying a boat for the first time is a big decision. Even a small fishing boat becomes a commitment when you start taking into account, mooring or storage, repairs and dry-docking, and where and when you will use it. However, if you are a lover

Rv cleaning tips

5 Top Tips For Cleaning You RV – An OC Guide

It is important to give your RV a good clean both before and after you take a trip. Doing so before the trip will ensure you enjoy your vacation in clean surroundings, and you will know where everything is and whether you need to stock

Raising Backyard Chickens – 6 TOP TIPS TO GET YOU STARTED

Throughout America, raising backyard chickens has become extremely popular in recent years. No longer the domain of those living on farms and remote rural dwellings, across the country people are now choosing to raise their own chickens. There’s a very simple reason for this, not

hiding pond filters

Best Way to Hide Your Pond Filter

Hiding your pond filter is an integral part of achieving that overall natural effect. And let’s face it, that’s what we all want from our garden ponds, to make it look as far from man-made as possible. However, while hiding the filter out of plain

kayaking tips

Top 5 Tips For Kayaking Beginners

Kayaking is a fantastic sport, but you don’t need us to tell you that. The barrier of entry is low too. This means you can be out on the water with your own kayak in no time at all. However, as with any activity involving

Top 10 Tips For A Perfect BBQ

Summer is here. The sun is shining, the shorts are out and friends and family are getting together to enjoy the garden BBQ. But this time you’re in charge. And if you’ve reached this page, it could well be that you after a few BBQ