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How to Catch Bass – A Short OC Guide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate this site earns from qualifying purchases.

We all have our little ways when it comes to bass fishing. Experience brings the techniques that work for us. As does knowledge of the area you are fishing. Each spot will have its particular idiosyncrasies.

However, there are always a few universal truths that you can follow for a more successful fishing trip.

In this short OC guide, we will cover some of those bass fishing tips that can apply to you, no matter where you are.

Red is your friend


It is a well know fact that the color red makes the fish think the bait is injured. They have a predisposed attraction to it.

However, it is amazing how often bass fisherman fail to use this natural phenomena to their advantage.

When fishing in shallow cover you should always use spinnerbait with a red or pink head. You can always take this a step further and even crank the bait with red hooks.

The simple fact is, the fish are more likely to bite at it.

A Bit of CSI on Your Livewell


Don’t forget to inspect your livewell after placing your catch in there.

Bass will very often spit out whatever they were feeding on after being caught. If they do this while you watch them in the livewell you will figure out what color or type of lure snagged them in the first place.

You can then go on to use this for the rest of the day.

Seasonal Bait


The time of year you are fishing will impact the type of bait you should use.

Bass can be fussy eaters and will actually prefer certain foods depending on the season.

A good system to follow is to use bait that looks like crawfish early on in the year. Peach colored patterns are a good option for this.

As summer arrives the bass will naturally be drawn to shad. To replicate this chrome or silver baits are the ones to use.

Skipping the Bait


No, don’t remove it from your checklist completely. Here we are actually talking about a method of casting.

Skipping the bait involves stopping the cast halfway, (instead of the natural follow-through action).

Get the technique right and the end result will make your lure hit the water a few feet before your target.

Counterintuitive? Maybe, however, stay with us.

By hitting the water early, the lure will then skitter over the water. This makes getting into those hard to reach areas (think under docks or other structures) much easier.

Shredded Worms


It doesn’t take long for plastic worms to get all torn up. Naturally you end up throwing them away.

However, try not to do this next time. You can actually use your old worms.

As we established with the red is your friend tip – Bass like to attack prey that is already wounded. A torn-up worm will work wonders, especially where the water is shallow.

Face to the Wind


Wrap up warm, get used to the fact your casting distance will be shorter, and set your face to the wind.

No matter where you are, bass will always swim with the current.

This means you need the fish to find your bait before they come across your boat.

Another benefit of this is that the noise of your boat, (whether movement onboard or just the waves licking up the side of the hull) will be carried away with the breeze.

The fish will be unaware of your presence. Ipso-facto, the higher chance you will have of catching them.

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Fishing before a stormstorm-front-best-for-bass-fishing

Believe it or not but the best time to get out there and fish for bass is right before a storm. (Furthermore, the worst time to try and make your catch is right after a storm front).

This means timing is very important. Head out too late and not only could you face the full force of a storm, but then have to put up with the less than perfect conditions post-front.

It all comes down to pressure. The high-pressure atmosphere before the storm breaks makes the fish more active. Statistically, they are more likely to take the bait.

Sharp Hooks


It may sound obvious, but again this is a very common issue to let slide. Sharp hooks will increase your chances of success when it comes to fishing for bass.

Some fisherman will actually sharpen their hooks as part of the preparation before every boat trip.

With the proper tools, it only takes a minute.

Every time you get a bite but fail to snag the fish, it could well be because your hook wasn’t sharp enough to penetrate.

When bass fishing you want all variables to be on your side; taking care of enough little things will amount to a lot.

The end result? Well more successful trips of course.

Persistence all the way


A simple issue to accept if you want to be a serious bass fisherman is this: Bass are ornery fish and persistence is key. To get them to bite your hook you need to keep at it.

It is useful to present the lure at different angles. Just because the first 50 tossed lures fail to snag your prey, doesn’t mean that number 51 won’t.

Fishing for bass is a numbers game. You have to be in it to win it. Remembering this will help keep the motivation where it needs to be.

Spring Fishingspring-bass-fishing

Fishing in the spring is a great time to be outdoors.

Knowing the habits of the fish is vital. The fact is most bass will hang out in spawning beds during this time of year.

This means you should fish in shallow areas. Pockets and little coves that protect the fish from the wind and more forceful currents are a good place to target.

It is here you are most likely to find the fish protecting their eggs.

Another bonus here if you follow point number 9, (keeping at it) is that they may well bite at the lure out of frustration. They are of a more protective mindset.

Hunger will also be a factor. Your bait may well be taken for that too.

And there you have it; our OC guide of 10 easy to follow Bass Fishing tips. Hopefully, you have read something here that you can take with you on your next trip.

Image Credits: Bass Baits,, Pixabay

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